Sunday, August 12, 2012

Water Element " Cleansing "

Water  Element cleansing:

Within Prayer, Mantra & Meditation...
I allowed my self to release submerged emotions, as i sat in quiet acceptance.
I thought of all the simple things that so bless my life and then, all the attachments to thoughts and things that i get hung up on..
...and tears started coming down face..
and my heart opened...
and i asked to be released.............and.....WOOOSH, 
the tears began to body felt like it was just a vehicle for release...
Sometimes the "Path of Purification" is not always what we expect and we have to go DEEPER....down inside.... to purge all the junk that has been sitting there without our conscious mind realizing it...
but the soul knows....and if we give our selves permission to be the "open" vehicle that we are capable of , to sit in the challenge of uncertainty...
The heart opens and spirit is freed...and the inner soul cleanses itself..
Fear not vigilant of stagnation..and emotional residue.