Monday, January 14, 2013

Demonstration of Skill :
the true demonstration of Heavenly Skill is...... in responsibility and integrity on the Earthly Plane.
Second...applying the higher principles to mundane Earthly activity.
and teach others to identify and transform their suffering into conscious living and to cultivate the inspiration to serve others , teaching them to do the same..
This is truly Divine Service...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Through  the Fire / Creating the Medicine :
The human condition is a fragile and temporary one...
So why not treat it that way...precious, fleeting.....worthy of total investment to squeeze all there is out of it.
Love deeply and with passion.
Fight with purpose and focus....
Heal with compassion and loving kindness..
and if you are injured along the willing to take the time to heal it...
all things are heal-able...
if one is willing to go through the transformation of discomfort and self examination then a clear vision will appear...
and sometimes WE have to admit we made mistakes...acted less then conscious...and were insensitive and short sighted...
but again... these are mistakes, bumps in the road of character development.....
They are NOT representative of the true core ...the loving, brilliant beings we fundamentally are...
and so......first ,one has to admit their mistakes and own their actions and the consequences that they created...
It is crucial just has to be totally honest with ones self first..
before they can truly be correct with others...
but most important....never let the LOVE leave your being ...
and then be willing to make some essential changes..
and when you resonate with integrity, receptivity and right intention.....
You will have created the "Medicine"...