Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Non Judgmental Guidance....
Open yet discerning, Kind yet firm...Flexible yet disciplined..
In times of old The Spirit Boxers were trained to be a source of comfort, protection and inspiration for the people..
Healing their illnesses, comforting their emotional traumas and helping them  to train and discipline their minds and bodies...passing down the teachings from the Masters and the pure lineages of Spirit, Mind and Body ..
People were inspired and encouraged to find their own inner strengths, believe in Divine Intuition and follow their heart felt inspirations..
But then, as now, life has its challenges and its not always easy to live in faith on a daily basis...
Theory and instructions are one thing..but living application is a whole other practice..
and so, for the disciple, it is about being a solid and consistent example of character excellence and spiritual brilliance...
Living the principles as you speak them..
Showing others the methods of transformation by demonstrating them yourself..
.and  yet, many are still unsure of their faith in methods and practices unfamiliar and new to them....and rightly so but...
It is not encouraging or healing to judge or criticize..
It is a Spirit Boxer's duty to be an example of personal brilliance , pass down the teachings of transformation from the Masters and always be available to beings who come to them for guidance, healing and direction...
NO Judgments....
It is never productive to create the feeling of separation in others or create feelings of self doubt by holding ultimatums in front of them..
The object in guidance and loving discipline is Pure Healing Support.......
So it requires unattached LOVE, clarity and patience...and consistency..
THAT alone will guide and inspire them...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Connection :
And so, in this life it’s all about connection….
and perception..
When beings connect with clarity, integrity and kindness and there is real interest in mutual understanding and healing, a major bond is created and trust is formed..
And THAT is formidable…
Because it’s based on truth and honesty…and it’s symbiotic.
And it holds true with connection to higher energy and to divine presence, as well…
But there lies the variable factor…it is called faith, because we all view safety and fear from different filters…and hence, depending on what we are willing to “view” , it affects what we are able to see…
This principle is in ALL our experiences…
Why do 2 people see the same event in front of their eyes and one sees it as 60/40 positive and the other sees it as 60/40 negative? And they just viewed the same exact event ..
It is their individual filters which affect their perspectives..
And so we have to go back and examine what influenced our perceptions and subsequent judgments..
THAT is where the source of affectation and healing resides..
Therefore , when one removes the shadows of doubt and fear and is able to clearly absorb what is transpiring , unbiased and with a feeling of “safety” , Then ones perception is balanced and realistic…
And THAT creates the ability for deeper connection with people and experiences of all kinds…