Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Lesson:

Impermanence teaches that all things arise and disappear.

We do not control the fluctuations in the universe.
Do not try to.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Necessary Awakening:
There is so much external distraction, misdirected, and misused energy in the world today and there are so many things we can do nothing about ..BUT..
We CAN make a decision to be mindful, inspiring and "medicine" in the world while we are still here.
Do not wait to be Kind.
Do not hesitate to be Radiant.
Do not wait for a better time to Love.
And most certainly ;
Do NOT wait for a better time to let go of your Anger...there is no better time.
As my Master used to tell me:
"Anger depletes the Chi, shatters the spirit and fragments the heart.
Activating one's spirit is one thing but anger is entirely different.
Do Not misdirect your mind or waste your energy in unhealthy practices "
Let us focus on what we CAN do instead of what we cant.
Success is rooted in service, kindness, and realistic progress.

True inspiration comes from the heart...not the mind.

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Shift :
Every now and then there is a shift in the force.
Then,  even the old become young.
The stiff become flexible.
The intolerant become understanding and the self-righteous become humble.
The Master becomes the student and the student becomes the Teacher.
The parent becomes the child and the child becomes the parent.
This life is always evolving...

Evolve with it...or be stuck in the past.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Firm yet loving Clarity:
Stay in your heart,
Stay out of your head,
and stay away from the beings who do not serve your highest good.
And if you can't avoid them ...
Just BREATHE...and let them spin out on their own.
Sometimes the kindest thing to do is to just leave people to their own devices and let them find their own realization, while you maintain a steadfast, balanced position of Love.

This is not weak. It is actually very powerful.