Saturday, October 31, 2020


The Choice of Attachment:

Any moment can provide us with a positive or negative experience. Yet so often we cling to the negative experience and then attach to a story that supports it.    In actuality, what we really desire is a positive experience and to feel appreciated and loved but when we don't have that experience we fall into negative self-judgment and it only reinforces the story and the cycle of suffering.

So Unfortunate..

It breaks my heart when I see beings focus on their suffering and get stuck in the cycle of disbelief and lose hope. On my own journey and in my own years of practice, I have found that it is the intensity of experience that has deep impact that often wants to be felt and honored......

But what I have also learned is...

You don't have to hold yourself in suffering to honor the experience...

That just reinforces the story around the wound, is not kind, and does not support the transformation into strength and wisdom.

What has crystallized for me is...I can attach to whatever I want to.

The story, the so-called lacking, the discontent, the impatience....or....The LOVE , the mystery, the wonder, or the gratitude for the experience itself.

It's only when we attach to a negative experience that translates into a negative judgment of self that we continue to perpetuate that cycle of suffering.

Our amazing and tender selves are impeccable and eternal.

Even harsh judgment can not change that.

Self-criticism, anger, and self abuse require energy to sustain them.

Love is naturally self-generated and is self-perpetuating.

It's the constant judging of self that is the most painful, unproductive and ultimately, spiritually exhausting.

As we view both negative and positive in any given moment, we have a choice on what we attach to.           Hold on to the dissatisfaction or nurture the potential sweetness.

In truth, It's all an illusion and all-wondrous at the same time.                                                                                                     We choose the movie.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Opening :

Right Now, the present is offering us an opportunity.

A new view is emerging.

We will not be returning to the same so-called "normal"..

That was a past that wasn't working anyway.

You are not the same person you were even a minute ago...

Every now and then the universe sends us messages but are we in a fixed mindset or a growth mindset ?

Are we able to receive the download ?

Are we willing to entertain change and the mystery of new-ness?

THAT is what makes the difference.

The courage to release control is the doorway to transformation.

Freedom does not arise out of control.

Freedom is the child of courage.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


The Potency of Clarity and Conviction:

When in the right state of mind and frequency and applied for the benefit of all, NO opposition can sabotage your efforts because they alone are the example of personal power, right effort, and healthy conviction.   

At that point, it is no longer about you.

Do not lose faith in Integrity. One can be focused, potent and unwavering and still be kind and considerate.

Virtue and proper action can never be negated...