Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Elemental Alchemy 2 [within humans]

When one gets clear about their own passion and purpose ALL things become clear.

Hesitation ceases and confusion dissolves.

Energy is focused and directed.

Courage and confidence naturally arise because when there are less distractions to misdirect one's energy intention translates into action and goals are achieved smoothly.

Work, health , relationships ALL manifest accordingly as we do NOT waste energy and are clear about what we want to invest our energy in and the practices we focus are hearts and minds on.

THIS is the nature of Intention, focus, and actualization.

It is elemental in its origin and made real by humans in the world.

It is the divine work between men and women and blessed by Heaven and Earth.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Elemental Clarity: an offering for freedom.

"The Wisdom of Emptiness".

As all thoughts and words are fundamentally void and empty, without actual substance, it is our self that gives them solidity by impregnating them with belief that they are real.

If we are grounded, calm and spacious in our awareness this allows us to cultivate a state of emptiness and receptivity without resistance.

This state gives us the ability to navigate all things with fluidity and non-resistance.

It is a conscious, intentional practice that can be developed.

Additionally, it is our decision to be soft and flexible or resistant and solid that directly affects how impacting any words, thoughts, or emotions can be on us.

There's no place to "land" when one is in a state of empty receptivity.

This is a truth that many people do not want to embrace.

As it holds them accountable for their actions, as well as their unwillingness to take responsibility for their innate potential to have agency over their decisions, actions, and how they live in the world.

This is not an energetic or spiritual bypass.

 No matter what comes up we still get to decide how we respond !

This is radical self-accountability and the clarity of inner discernment.

Jedi skills in action.

May we all learn to take a BREATH…and direct our energy wisely.

Monday, March 8, 2021


Balancing the "Absolute" with the Relational:

If one has had a long term dedicated practice they know there are 2 main elements that require attention:

Alignment with principle and understanding of the practical.

Whether it be the dance between the esoteric and the mundane or the theoretical and the functional, the most challenging practice is to maintain a realistic and functional balance while living in the world of feelings, emotions, and the human condition.

This is not an easy balance to maintain consistently.

As humans, we not only have higher spiritual aspirations but we have deep and tender hearts, as well.

This deeper practice is tested most in relationships.

One has to maintain an aligned and grounded energetic state while also being emotionally balanced, receptive and flexible.

In this practice flexibility is key, as is the clarity to adapt accordingly.

There is no ONE mindset other than clarity, kindness, and the intention to have skill-full response to all that arises.

If one always falls back on seeing clearly to have a full understanding and then kindness and mutual benefit for all concerned, the Universe will orchestrate the rest.

At that point, we just have to let go of the consequences and have faith in the practice.