Friday, June 3, 2022

 The Inner Directive:

Every moment is an opportunity to illustrate our heartfelt intention and demonstrate the level of kindness we decide to offer to the world. This is not to say that difficult conditions don't arise and challenge us...Yet..

That is NOT the point.

It is the Inner Directive that creates the quality of our behavior and the tone in which we interact with others. 

It is a decision and a self-cultivated attitude.... especially with all the incredible chaos and suffering that is showing itself in the world right now..

Do NOT allow your brilliance or your faith to be dissuaded into disbelief and despair...That is the Shadow of the Darkside trying to convince you to give up..

Return to your wise heart and your undying spirit and set the intention to be steadfast and unwavering. This is the true nature of humankind.

Time to return to the source of your power : 

Goodness and Courage...

Time to Up Level my Jedi brothers and sisters...

The FORCE is definitely with us.

WOOOSH........Demons begone !