Monday, November 14, 2022

 The Essence of the “Boddhisattva Path”          (in real-time ) 

The Bodhisattva is a being who has vowed to bring about the relief of sufferings for all beings, not just themselves. So, when they achieve enlightenment, and it is time for them to ascend to the Heavens they make a conscious, intentional decision to stay on Earth to achieve their goal.

Bodhisattvas manifest where they are needed in many forms. They might be bums or babies, friends or strangers, teachers, firemen or used car salesmen. They might be you. Whenever needed help is given without selfish attachment, there is the hand of the bodhisattva. When we see and hear the suffering of others and respond to that suffering, WE are the hands of the bodhisattva.

People understand the Dharma [ the divine instructions ] as best they can, and as understanding grows, limitations are discarded and flexibility of application develops using the essential core principles. We're all works in progress.

Our actions and behaviors are the examples others will follow. Not our words 

May I be a source of safety to all those without protection

Thursday, November 3, 2022

 The Lesson of Loss:

If we are lucky enough to have our health, our families, and a connection with our community we are very blessed. This is not always the case and sometimes we forget about the opportunities and relationships that helped us create the amazing lives we have. Often, we get too comfortable in our safety, our luxuries, and our privilege, forgetting how precious and fragile it all is. Then, the potency of appreciation and deep gratitude for it all slowly wanes, and we become casual about paying attention to what we need to do in order to honor the graces given to us.

Not Good...

This can be very dangerous if we lose sight of our blessings and the value of the opportunities we were given.

Remembering what inspired us, what we did to get here and the people who supported us on the way, re-affirms and reminds us we did not do any of this by ourselves.

Humility is an important element in honoring and keeping the things we value.

When we realize that it all can go in a minute, we tend to be more mindful of how we live and more appreciative of what we have.

When we think about the loss of our relationships, our health, and the things we are most passionate about, suddenly, we are extra careful and aware.

Impermanence now directs our attention to the preciousness of it all and the fear of loss tenderizes our hearts.

It is truly amazing how we humans don’t comprehend and appreciate what we have until it's gone. If we allow ourselves to perceive the reality of loss and the inevitable BEFORE it actually manifests, it can teach us an important lesson:

The past is over, and the future does not exist.

Honor and cherish the beings, blessings, and experiences we get to have right now.