Sunday, July 21, 2024

 Root Confusion:                                                         

Beings are confused about the difference between spiritual bypass and skillful engagement. One is disconnecting and checking out, and one is being discerning about how you dial-in. There are times when there are some things you just can't do anything about and you have to be okay with that. Then we can dedicate and focus our energy on solutions and what's possible instead of wasting energy on what's not.

It is actually the practice of "right understanding and seeing clearly". Many small efforts can add up to a great transformation. Just because we refuse to buy into the external chaos doesn't mean that we're not interested in being part of the solution and making a difference.

However, discernment and discrimination are key practices here. Once we assess a situation correctly, then how do we apply that newfound clarity directly to the situation ?

It is not a bypass. It is living wisdom and skillful engagement.

Do not let the world challenge your integrity or shake your belief in your core values.

Stay clear, stay focused, and stay flexible... And always be kind in the process.

This is the Transformative Way.

 The Way of Presence: ( in life and practice)

“At every stage, there are some questions...

This is the way of inquiry. It is the appropriate response to curiosity while seeking knowledge on the path of self-development.

Then all the questions fall away...

This is the way of presence. It is the release of seeking.

It is powerful yet wordless. It is solid yet indescribable. It is palpable yet formless.

Nonetheless.... Presence is potent, impacting, and formidable. It is the first energy that arises and the last one to go. It is actually the greatest gift, as it demonstrates full attention and a commitment to the moment.

When there is no more attachment to external response one settles. Then there is a relaxation and a surrender to the moment.

This is the Way of Presence.

Monday, January 15, 2024

 Fundamental Steadiness:                                      As all things change and fall away, there has to be a fundamental steadiness underneath it all.

This steadiness is powerful as it is a reliable source of safety.

This is what beings recognize as your true nature and genuine character.  It is visible and trustable.

It is a solid example of one’s intention, one’s heart, and the dedication required to make it real in the world. 

Then, when steadiness combines with consistency there is a strength that is obvious and powerful beyond words.

It is rooted in devotion, compassion, and kindness yet requires strength and loving perseverance. It is very powerful to observe, and it inspires others to believe in their own potential and have faith in the fundamental goodness of things. This is very important.

Beings want and need to trust and believe in the goodness of humankind, again.... And so...      Steadiness and Goodness need to live together in the same practice.            

This is the "medicine " that is sorely needed right now...and always