Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sound Action:
From the progress of one’s training & the experience of living one will gain confidence and through their confidence they will realize the strength of making good choices and see that they have the options to make good decisions based on their own ability to know right from wrong, truth from deception and not to be afraid of peer pressure or others biased opinions....
But most importantly, one will see that what you invest in life is what you get in return and that one should always be willing to be accountable for their actions, as well as, accept the responsibility for their brothers‘ and sisters‘ well being.
This is all a direct reflection of the Spirit Boxing philosophy and training and should be expressed through one’s  actions on a daily basis.
And this will set them on the "path" of sound action and righteous living for the rest of their life.

Correcting Self  
 To promote worthy qualities and accomplish superior works,. nothing is more important than the work of “correcting oneself” . Once the self is correct, everything else is correct.  Forms and Names cannot stand but for correctness. Tasks cannot succeed but for correctness, All activities start from correcting oneself. Therefore, developmental work requires self -correction as a foundation.. When one deals with people after correcting oneself then people too, will become correct !  When one manages affairs after having corrected oneself, than affairs too, will be correct. When one responds to things after correcting oneself, things too become correct. Only a “Unified Correctness” in the world is able to master the myriad of changes in the world. So, to know that the act of correcting oneself is the “great function” of developmental work,  is to walk on the stairway to Sagehood.       

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blessings & Attributes:
Attributes gained from the practice of Spirit Boxing are not only improved health, a clear mind  and superior physical abilities but to the contrary..
The real benefits of Spirit Boxing are the elements of quality of character and martial virtue that are instilled in the student from the very beginning through the root principles that are taught and emphasized by his teacher. The teacher should be a qualified exponent of the system and an experienced master who,  himself,  has developed the skills, intuition and excellence of character that are the reflections of the diamond qualities  inherent in the Spirit Boxing tradition.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Transformation :
The ability to be present through it all...
unfortunately much of our later strengths comes through uncomfortable transformation....but as WE know..
All is impermanent and temporary....... as tough as it is.
Be appreciative of the simple blessings that are present in your  life and honor your loved ones by sharing your personal brilliance with other beings who need your guidance through difficult times.......
...OM  MI  TO  FO

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spirit Boxing’s  Daily application:
to look at the original creation of these exercises the benefits were for improved health, flexibility, clarity of mind, as well as,  internal development and were developed so that one could incorporate these routines into normal everyday life & so that a person could physically and spiritually “live their Kung Fu” and apply the higher principles to all their actions and heal & inspire all beings they came into contact with....
This is truly the "Path of Spiritual Boxing"..