Sunday, February 26, 2012

Correcting Self  
 To promote worthy qualities and accomplish superior works,. nothing is more important than the work of “correcting oneself” . Once the self is correct, everything else is correct.  Forms and Names cannot stand but for correctness. Tasks cannot succeed but for correctness, All activities start from correcting oneself. Therefore, developmental work requires self -correction as a foundation.. When one deals with people after correcting oneself then people too, will become correct !  When one manages affairs after having corrected oneself, than affairs too, will be correct. When one responds to things after correcting oneself, things too become correct. Only a “Unified Correctness” in the world is able to master the myriad of changes in the world. So, to know that the act of correcting oneself is the “great function” of developmental work,  is to walk on the stairway to Sagehood.       

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