Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Release and........Forgiveness..
to hold on to resentments and cling to the pain of sadness and anger is completely pointless..
My master used to say that "Anger...depletes the Chi and shatters the spirit..."
Draining our hearts of potential joy...even grounded peace.... and changes the frequency of our being...literally..
I realize that some beings feel slighted in this life but after a certain point to dwell on the struggle and blame is a choice that one makes and is totally intentional...
Thats right..........intentional....
In other words....own your part in the formula...assess the value of the lesson...realize that others have to "view" their own lessons.......and let the shit go !
Anger misdirects our vital energy...fractures our heart chi and brings heat up into the that point it simmers and permeates our consciousness..
That is not to say that we cant be angry for a second and unhappy about a particular issue...but to self suffer...serves NO point...NONE !
Observe... Identify...examine......and embrace..
Then re-calibrate, release...and refocus the energy that was being unhealthily directed in resentment............and focus on SOLUTION...
No One said this Earthly incarnation was without challenge...but do you want to use it as an excuse to be in suffering....or as a test of your skills and firm resolution..
Its a choice..........
Right mind...right thought...right speech....right action...right consequence...hence,
Right Path...
Blessings and reverence to my teachers and loved ones who always have guided me down the path of clarity and proper action...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Virtue and Traits of Excellence:
"All knights needed to have the strength and skills to fight wars... but they not only had to be strong but they were also extremely disciplined and were expected to use their power to protect the weak and defenseless. Knights vowed to be loyal, generous, and "of noble bearing".
Knights were required to tell the truth and respect the honor of women.
Knights vowed to protect the weak and guard the honor of fellow knights..
And they persevered to the end in any enterprise begun."
Always honoring their lineage as well... how i was trained on how to go forth into the world..
My Master used to call his students " the righteous knights of excellence"....
 and he demanded brilliance and integrity from all of  us to reflect the quality of his teaching and the practice...
I have never forgotten his words of inspiration..or his firm direction to achieve radiance.
Respects and appreciation for those beings who, now, still remind me on how to live in this world

When we are in alignment...
Spirit, Mind and Body balanced and vital, there is a resonance that penetrates us internally...cellularly...somatically...
It heals us and re-calibrates fragmented energy and thoughts..
It soothes us psychically... Calms our heart Chi... Helps us dissolve emotional residue...and it gives our spirits' freedom and space to rise, expand and return to the original radiance that is our birthright

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Traditions and honoring the lineage...
It was always taught to me that you honor your elders, your teachers and the lineage..
Many of the experiences and skills that we have today were developed through their guidance..and hence the way you act in the world is a direct reflection of their teachings.

And so, It is never a bad time to say thank you to the Universe and all the beings who have guided and taught you , whether it was a difficult lesson or a light and smooth one..
We cant be critical of the divine information that comes to us even if it comes from a tough and challenging teacher...[they are the ones who most affect us]
Often , the lessons we NEED are NOT the lessons we want...
and just as often, THOSE are the lessons that were the most crucial for our true growth...
After a realization...a settling...a clarity..........a BREATH...
Then,  that is often when we can view events and lessons most reasonably and with appropriate perspective...and hence, absorb the "magic" that was contained within..