Monday, September 7, 2015

True Distillation:

ALL things are temporary...
Resentments serve No one...
Forgiveness is the "path"...
Love is the most potent "medicine"...
KINDNESS is the supreme vehicle...
When we finally...REALLY...come to terms with what is important, precious and everlasting ...
Then we will see clearly...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Master used to say:
100 days.......the seeds...
1000 days.....the roots...
10,000 days...the flowers.
In order for a tree to have flexible branches , it must have strong roots...
but the KEY is the "soil" that one plants things in...
If the "mind ground" is pure and fertile, than the seeds will germinate and create strong deep roots...
with strong roots grows a stable trunk...
with a stable trunk, the branches can be flexible and open...
with the branches flexible and open then the flowers are fragrant and beautiful...
So the key is the initial deeper work...
when there is an internal strength based on balance then there is external actualization created from that work...
Many "leaves" [ people] fall off due to poor grounding and lack of root..
They move with the slightest wind [ circumstance] and dont bear the fruit of fragrant flowers [actualization]...
Bless them.......and let them fly...
Consistent structure, daily practice and right view will create forward motion while self belief and concentration will achieve definite progress...
THIS the transformative way of  "looking far and perceiving Grandness..."
THAT is the sweetness ..........those are the 'Fragrant flowers" of actualization...

Monday, May 11, 2015

the deeper the imprint , the more potent the impact....
and the more challenging the test........
Hence , the more penetrating the lesson is, hopefully, the greater is the realization...
It is usually the most uncomfortable lesson that brings the greatest realization...
If one is truly ready to be open , honest and realistic about the transmitted information[ like it or not ]...Then real release, clarity and growth can be attained...
And here's the irony.........
The clarity and knowledge that comes from THAT deep lesson is often the same clarity and knowledge that we advise others to seek.....
Boundaries , Clarity, Selflessness, respecting the wishes of others even if it makes us personally uncomfortable ;
That is the level of integrity and respect that should be maintained always..
Especially when it comes to us following those principles that we, ourselves, emphasize to others.......
Talk is cheap compared to action.
So,  Character Excellence and Personal Brilliance is the best illustration of this comprehension and application...... 
To follow one's own best advice is the strongest [ and often the most difficult] practice.....
But then,  words need not be said.......

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spiritual Integrity :

The truth is, we all have values that are important to us but often we lose confidence in our beliefs due to outside influence and external conditions..
There is a state of mind and heart that is crystal clear about one‘s higher self and our core values because it is NOT affected by the fluctuation of external condition...
It is a state of inner balance and appropriate self confidence...
It is based on the true nature of things and the acceptance of what opposed to what one would like them to be ...
THAT acceptance is a powerful awareness...
And so,  spiritual fitness is based on the clarity to look within...and also to clearly see what is actually transpiring in the world around us....
And to NOT attach to an unrealistic expectation that is actually self created....
Integrity is a wholeness of self.....
where the Heart, Spirit, Mind and Body are in alignment 
and your  “ feet match your mouth“...
In other words...what you say... is what you actually do..
That alone is a profound skill...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

the "Path of Radiance "...
the lineage......the practice....the responsibility....
When one connects to a path there are many elements that it consists of...
The traditions you represent...the actual personal cultivation and investment...and the commitment to spread the higher knowledge to honor your lineage and masters...
But what one often forgets about, that is also part of the decision is the effect, potential impact, as well as the reactions we get from other beings…
and sometimes the more brilliant the being, the more uncomfortable other beings get....Why ?
Because it is an unrelenting light that reflects back to them the clarity of self, discomfort, and resistance in their own lives...and many do NOT want to see the real truth..
And yet, the truth is unavoidable and penetrating.....whether they like it or not...
and so, the jedi/disciple who shines brightly often messes with their state of self doubt and their desire to hide from the light.....
Brilliance is uncomfortable for those who want to escape into the "shadows" of fear and avoidance.....
and hence, often the being who is naturally luminous feels apt to back off lest they make other beings uncomfortable and fearful...
It is NOT our issue that others refuse to seek their highest selves..
It IS our duty to be the best example of the character excellence and personal brilliance..
THAT is what beings of light and spirit do...that is what my lineage taught me to do..
THAT is the responsibility of brilliant beings..

If nothing else it is give other beings who are in shadows, a divine perspective of what is truly possible...and in truth, what is so necessary ...
THAT is the practice..
Mindfulness and Kindness are one thing but to back off from your "Path of Radiance" is NOT correct and will not serve the highest good for others or yourself.
Fear not the criticism........doubt not the correctness.....
Manifest the straightforward mind.
Reside in firm resolve of your decision to liberate and transform..
Not all will be ready....
but when their time comes you will still be there.......LUMINOUS......