Monday, May 11, 2015

the deeper the imprint , the more potent the impact....
and the more challenging the test........
Hence , the more penetrating the lesson is, hopefully, the greater is the realization...
It is usually the most uncomfortable lesson that brings the greatest realization...
If one is truly ready to be open , honest and realistic about the transmitted information[ like it or not ]...Then real release, clarity and growth can be attained...
And here's the irony.........
The clarity and knowledge that comes from THAT deep lesson is often the same clarity and knowledge that we advise others to seek.....
Boundaries , Clarity, Selflessness, respecting the wishes of others even if it makes us personally uncomfortable ;
That is the level of integrity and respect that should be maintained always..
Especially when it comes to us following those principles that we, ourselves, emphasize to others.......
Talk is cheap compared to action.
So,  Character Excellence and Personal Brilliance is the best illustration of this comprehension and application...... 
To follow one's own best advice is the strongest [ and often the most difficult] practice.....
But then,  words need not be said.......

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