Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Necessary  Alchemy:
The extreme yin and YANG are separate and distinct, yet when intentionally and energetically integrated, they are partners in the healthy power exchange that creates the ultimate alchemy.

This is healthy energy cultivation and expression.
Both elements are equally necessary.
Both need to be fully potent in their individual flavor and essence
The yin essence is female, soft and the highest level of receptivity and storage.
It is the healing container to hold the power of the Yang.
The YANG energy is male and the discharging and active energy which creates change and moves the energy within the container.
Yet they both need each other in order to be fully potent.
One can not have YANG if they can not embrace the yin.
The resting and quiet yin is the healing storehouse for the active and powerful Yang.
And the active and energetic YANG cleanses, penetrates, and energizes the soft still yin, purifying its essence.
Like Heaven's YANG and Earth's yin, they elementally need each other.
Do Not misunderstand the importance of each of their individual nature and potency.
Male and female are just that.......
Each should be celebrated for their unique difference.
And then...Be celebrated for their union.
Taoists call this the sacred alchemy of yin and Yang

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