Tuesday, April 3, 2012


  ...and the Spirit Boxer said to the Buddha ,

 "I see those who make shrines of clay, stone, bamboo, or wood and set them on pure ground in the southern part of their dwellings. They place within the shrines images of Earth Store Bodhisattva, either sculpted, painted, or made of gold, silver, copper, or iron. They then light incense, make offerings, behold, worship, and praise him.

Why do they do these prescribed practices , oh wise one ? "
 And the Buddha said ,
 "By doing those things, such people will receive ten kinds of benefits."
 "What are those ten? .. asked the Spirit Boxer,

First, their lands will be fertile.

Second, their families will be healthy and homes will always be peaceful.

Third, their ancestors will be born in the heavens.

Fourth, those of the current generation will enjoy benefits and long lives.

Fifth, they will easily obtain what they want.

Sixth, they will not encounter disasters of water and fire.

Seventh, they will avoid unforeseen calamities.

Eighth, they will never have nightmares.

Ninth, they will be protected by spirits in their daily comings and goings.
Tenth, they will encounter many causes that pertain to Sagehood.

And the Spirit Boxer said to the Buddha....

" How long must i practice and how long will it take one to achieve these blessings, wise one ?"

And the Buddha said,

" Young boxer , do not ask how long or how much practice it will take. You waste energy on the future..concentrate your mind on the present !

Put forth the intention that these things are attainable , right now !

... and you will change the frequency of your being and therefore will transmit the necessary message to the universe .

and soon , ... you will be clearly answered !

... but remember do not doubt the divine way to manifest this reality.

The way you resonate....dictates the way you magnetize things to yourself,  young boxer.

and as i have told u before...

once realized, these blessing must be shared and honored through Divine Service..."

 the Spirit Boxer bowed his head in humble reverence and a new found clarity..

"So it is, so it is , wise one"


                                            Daily Karma Cleansing mantra

                        OM  BA H  LAH  MOH  LING  TOH  NING  SVAH  HAH

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