Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Embracing All :
just remember ...how much you know..... is relevant.
There is ALWAYS more to absorb and perceive...
and just when you think you know something....It Changes...
the practice is to stay in integrity and internal alignment... No Matter What ...
so that all things can be utilized for transformation and those experiences become tools and strengths....
Not excuses to disconnect...
This is higher "tantra"...and Taoist alchemy, as well.
Embrace all things as moments to be Transformed
Remember also........
There is NO avoidance in this incarnation or the next..
When we suppress the deepest of feelings [ good or bad] we are removing ourselves from the potential for freedom...trust and the deeper love that comes with full engagement...
Hiding from truths[ whether positive or negative] will NEVER bring us resolution...

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