Thursday, August 28, 2014

Examples of Transformation:
As one cultivates their internal energy and also develops their spiritual powers , the more one refines their skills, the more they realize the need to share that knowledge with all beings...
Whether through spiritual teaching, emotional cleansing or guiding beings in energy and mind training, the whole point is to share the knowledge and methods of transformation..
But one crucial element is the aspect of human commonality and identification..
It is one thing to come from a place of personal transformation but the really inspiring and motivating factor is common experience and the identification with similar struggles and challenges...
There is nothing more powerful than the witnessing of another beings transformation while overcoming similar challenges that you have gone through...
It is the "seed " of hope and the root of willingness to engage in your own transformation..........
and hopefully it inspires beings to invest in a spiritual practice that improves the quality of their lives..
But again...the most potent illustration of that possibility is to see the example of character excellence and personal brilliance .....
And observing someone being kind and gracious is always powerful "medicine"......

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