Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Teaching Virtue

True inner strength will come, when we depend on our own true inner self
We wish to make our children morally strong & compassionate;
but to do this we must hold up before them the right ideals
and teach them by our own example,
It is that alone which will give them real strength.
Do not remind anyone of their weakness;
Make even a criminal "feel the best" that is in him.
If you wish to help anyone, Do not regard their weak side,
but call out all that they have of good.
Only so will you help them realize their better nature.
However hard it may be, We must seek our own peace & divine realization, for in that alone shall we find real peace


  1. The children's rhyme, "There was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very very good, but when she was bad... she was HORRID!
    My mother used to say this to me, and what was worse, she added the verse, (And her name is Merle,)Merle means Blackbird, and is my birth name. For many decades now I am Raven! And quoth the Raven...Evermore!
