Friday, January 27, 2012

True Spiritual practice :
One has to find a practice that they can internalize that serves them and  be able to apply it daily.....
Theory is one thing....Knowledge another....but application of that knowledge becomes living Wisdom ...and that enables to you adhere to the higher principles , yet,  on the Earthly plane....
there are so many teachers and so many  practices but all the really great Masters and guides ask people not to follow and rely on them but to absorb the essentials and make it their own working practice...
and if you are lucky enough to have a life that allows you to develop these skills within your daily interactions with other beings you are VERY blessed because many preach higher learning and training but cant realistically apply it in daily life..
MY particular lineage emphasized that : true power and cultivated skill is tested when you go down into the squalor..unto the masses....only then can we see how strong your meditation is !
Any one can go into a temple or ashram in solitude and without outside disturbance and cultivate.....but go down into the real world amongst the people... 
and then we will see how skilled your practice is...
Unnecessary conflict serves no one and  most "obstacles" are self generated...
And so ,  when in deep suffering and despair you come to a place where you SURRENDER..
and truly surrender to the healing process and allow the Heavenly presence to guide and inspire matter what !
Then you will have achieved a Heavenly practice on the Earthly plane that is infused in  your  Spirit, Mind & Body ..
You will struggle no more...

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