Thursday, January 19, 2012

And so.....
the meditation of release & restoration:
emotional cleansing –

first.......find your quiet spot.....

then......3 gatherings of the breath....breathing in fully, deeply with your abdomen...mouth closed ..tongue to the roof of your mouth...connecting Ren & Du meridian channels..

then hands resting in lap at resting position, thumbs touching...connecting the inner circuit..

.....recite silently in your mind......

.as you breathe in...


breathe out........doubt..

breathe in.....happiness..

breathe out...anger... [ it depletes your chi]

breathe in....forgiveness

breathe out...anxiety...[let it go...]

breathe in......LOVE...

breathe out.. hate

breathe in......confidence...

breathe out ...frustration...

and as you get into the rhythm...u notice your breath is more even..relaxed and is sinking down into your abdomen[ Dan Tien]

and think of warm rays of light filling your body with light .cleansing & healing all.. will have a feeling of "settling"....warm....calm........

and ..."present" in the moment........

if you lose connection...go back to your breath focus.......

.just breathe in.....slowly........evenly.......Deeply..



breathe out........guilt........[ it serves u not]

breathe in....power...

breathe out....discontent...[u have everything u need]

and the most powerful...

breathe in ....the fact that  U DESERVE the Best...

breathe out.....FEAR &  let go the guilt...

and when u feel the surge of energy come thru you heart..

breathe in and think.....

Limitless gratitude  [ you are so lucky to be here ]...

and with will manifest..

Limitless Potential........

and go forth.........lifted !

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